Federico Citarda Interview

Renderwow - 7/13/18 18:40

I am Federico Citarda, I graduated from Polytechnic of Palermo, in Italy, with a degree in Industrial Design and now I’m studying to get a master’s degree in Systemic Design at Polytechnic of Torino.

I’ve been interested in computer graphic since 2009 and, from that moment, I continued to follow this passion, teaching myself thanks to the Internet. I have made small works of rendering but I hope to find a job in the world of computer graphics.

Follow me and look at my new rendering on Instagram(https://www.instagram.com/federico_citarda/?hl=it)

My web site: http://federico-citarda.treddi.com

My linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/federico-citarda-81968413b

What 3D modelling programs do you use?

I used different kinds of 3D modelling programs such as Rhinoceros, Fusion 360, Cinema 4D, Schetckup and PTC Creo. But now I’m learning how to use Blender. In my opinion, Blender is an excellent 3D modelling program.

Is there a program you prefer above everything else?

I prefer Blender above everything else. Blender’s interface is totally customizable by the user and it has more panels that are very easy to use such as editing and object panel, shading panel, game engine panel, scripting panel. Furthermore, Blender is totally opensource and you can find a lot of tutorials on the web.

What rendering software do you use, and why?

I use Cinema 4D because I can set the light settings and material settings with precision. In addition, I can use the V-ray render, which is, in my opinion, a great render engine if you know how to use it. You can change the light position, the shadow, and the reflection on materials.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now in this industry?

I love rendering and I hope to find a job in this industry to show people what I can do.

Any tips you can offer to artists out there that can help them in this industry?

I think that it is important to [practice a lot], but what is more important is having passion for this work. If you work with passion, you will do a good job.

What is your favorite place to get your textures from?

In some cases, I do it myself with my camera and after that, I use Photoshop, but I often get the textures from the Internet like CGtexture or Textures.com.

Have you got inspiration from other artists? If so, who?

I find inspiration reading architecture magazines. I prefer not to use other artists’ works to get inspiration. I observe other artists’ works, but I’m not inspired by them.
