In order to avoid prolonged rendering and consequently excessive fee charges. Renderwow from now on will be providing a special offer for users rendering SketchUp still images. We will be setting a maximum charging $10 for big size still images.
1. The event starts from May 16th, and we will not be limiting the event deadline at the moment. If we will limit the deadline, we will send a notification to the Renderwow client 24 hours in advance.
2. Only for SketchUp still images. If rendering fee exceeds and charges $10 for each still image, we will not charge any more excessive fees and will make sure your renders will be done completely.
3. Anyone can take part in the event and there will be no requirements. Just send a rendering from Sketchup and it will automatically be applied. Making your rendering experience easier, simple and better.
1. We will check out if you take part in the event based on the time of charging rather than the time at which the job is submitted.
2. In the event of rendering for more than 20 hours and low CPU utilization, if the user cannot be reached by Renderwow support, we will have the right to stop the job being rendered.
3. Any user taking part in the event, please upgrade your Renderwow client to the latest version. (https://www.renderwow.com/views/download.html)
4. The right to interpret this event resides in Shinewonder. If you have any questions, please contact at support@renderwow.com;
Site an example for charging fee:
If a SketchUp user uses 5 servers(103GHZ) to render one image with 5 hours, the standard price is $0.02GHZ*H, total price is 5h*$0.02GHZ *103GHZ*5=51.5USD, but according to the event rule, we only charge you $10.